Has anyone done a detailed write up for a roll pan install Ok, I searched, so before I get some stupid, rude comment. I did do some searching before ok. Anyway... Has anyone done a detailed rollpan install write up? I have some questions and it would help out to see someone's work that has already done it.
Yeah what he said. It's not that hard. Just use spot welds the entire seam. Then once you're done take a grinder and grind the welds flush. Throw on some bondo. Then primer. Then some paint if you can paint.
Im installing mine in a few weeks. Looking at it if you dont have a stock bumper is basically just cut away that back panel thats recessed in giving you the entire rear cut out. Fit up the rollpan to match the body lines on the sides (may take some bending or such) then tack weld it on. Im going to weld it from the backside as to not have to worry about grinding down my welds and seams. Then like confused said Im going to bondo the seams, etch primer and paint. I usually always take TONS of pics and post them in my build thread so If you dont tackle it by the time I get mine done I'll be able to provide you more info at the time. Dont be bummed 50 people looked and nobody replied cause in instances nobody knows how, or if they think its a dumb question they wont reply either.
I didnt cut anything. I just welded mine straight over the top.. looks awesome and has held up for years.
Its pretty self explanitory... And Titan I dont see how you welded it over the existing piece, it wont sit flush that way.