Quest to find a Movie from 1964-1967

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by alaneduncan, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. alaneduncan

    alaneduncan Newbie

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Detroit, Michigan
    1958 Chevy
    Confession: I am not a Stout owner. I had an old 58 Chevy when I was young. There is a bit of irony about the Toyota Stout associated with the Movie I am looking for which must have been made in 64-67 time frame.

    I don't remember title or even Genre. I only remember one scene because along with my fellow midwest drive-inn movie watchers we were astounded by this pickup which we had never seen and refused to believe was a "real" truck.

    The scene is at night, likely in the Rocky Mountains. From a distance we see a vehicle driving down the mountain. The scene tightens closer to the vehicle and we can see he is in some kind of pickup but not of this earth. All of us set up and ask, "what kind of truck is that?" He continues to drive but then stops. We sit up in our seats and wonder if we can find the truck name. He exits the truck and starts to walk in front. We all sit up more and say "hey, look at the hood, what does it spell?" T - O - Y - O - T - A . "What is a Toyota" we all say? All of us being farmers, we conclude it is only a stage prop truck and not real, after all, only Ford, Chevy, and Dodge make the trucks in our universe.

    OK, so I am a Holmes County Hillbilly from Ohio, but does anybody know the movie? It was a long shot but I thought I would try your forum.
    The irony is that I have worked in Detroit for the Big 3 for 45 years and was part of the establishment that had it's teeth kicked out by the Japanese car makers.
    Thanks for reading my story.

    Alan Duncan
  2. Perkolator

    Perkolator Toyotaholic

    Mar 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Placer County
    1975 Hilux
  3. alaneduncan

    alaneduncan Newbie

    Nov 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Detroit, Michigan
    1958 Chevy
    Movie Search: More Background Info

    Hi Perkolator,

    That was a great search. The movie I am looking for had to have been released from 1964-1969, when I was in 8-12th grade back in Holmes County. Drive-in’s were releasing movies at the same time as walk-in’s at that time. The only movie on your list in those years was Tie guan yin (1967) which was made in Hong Kong in Mandarin. The movie I seek was in definitely in English and most likely shot in the Rocky Mountains or in the US. I also think it was B&W only. I suspect Ca. since Toyota’s first landed there and movies were made mainly there. In Holmes County we thought Hollywood could do anything, so a fake truck seemed plausible to us.

    I think Toyota may have paid to have the vehicle in the movie since the scene where he got out and walked around the truck to show TOYOTA on the hood was way too prominent.
    Do you know anyone in Toyota PR that might know where ads were placed? It seemed to have worked well since I remember only that scene after 50 years. After working for the BIG 3 in Detroit most of my career, I am now at Honda in Marysville, Ohio, so I can better appreciate Japanese Engineering first hand (and be closer to Holmes County).

    Thanks for the search. I will try that dbase myself.
    Alan Duncan

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