Erwin Merida
Last Activity:
Feb 10, 2025 at 1:16 PM
Sep 18, 2016
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Long Beach, California

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Erwin Merida

Toyotaholic, Male, from Long Beach, California

Just keep trucking! Jan 24, 2025

Erwin Merida was last seen:
Feb 10, 2025 at 1:16 PM
    1. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Looking for a sunroof at the junkyard to adapt, only thing in question is will our roofs take the added weight/downforce ???
      1. Pearce
        I wouldn't do it. You'll have to worry about drains and keeping them clean. Otherwise it's just going to be a water trap. You don't really want to add weight up top anyways. Funny thing is a lot of enthusiast luxury cars tend to be more desirable/valuable being a slick top.
        Jul 27, 2022
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        True. To me it would be awesome to match my MR2. But don't want rust issues either. Plus, I think it's only a skin top anyways, no reinforcement cross beams just the roof.. so maybe a tinted glass top?!
        Jul 28, 2022
      3. Pearce
        It would be ideal to have a shade. Otherwise chrome tint will be one of the better options to keep the heat out.
        Jul 28, 2022
        Erwin Merida likes this.
    2. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Fuel relocation kit.. any good ones in particular? I want to piece one together for quality assurance.
    3. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Cutting corners, doesn't cut it.
    4. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Building a project car/truck is all about balancing your time and never loosing sight of the end goal! Just keep truckin!
      1. Pearce
        Many people get distracted by other interest. I know a few people they get into to many things without finishing one even close to "complete." Or the one I really hate to see the old completing the build so they can actually sell it when you know that was never an attention of theirs. Time and money can get to people. I'm ride or die for most of my things.
        May 15, 2022
        Erwin Merida likes this.
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        I remember a time where I traded a 4dr 66 Chevelle Malibu for a 2drr hardtop 59 Edsel Ranger. Sweet ride, always wanted one just this one has no drive train.. first engine 5.0, had a crack in cylinder 3.. went 5.8 block and never went into the car. . . For 4 years!! SMDH

        ..just to trade for a 17' 95 Sea-Doo boat..hahaha
        May 17, 2022
    5. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Too bad my truck won't be done in time for All Toyota fest in June. Great show in Long Beach. Might register my 86 MR2 tho
    6. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Caught myself on for like 2 days adding to cart! Lmao might do .040 over instead of .060..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        Hahaha yea only for on ramps and 'takeovers' lmao..smh
        Apr 6, 2022
      3. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        You running std bore in your block? Have you heard of ppl going 94 mm pistons with stock block? I'm looking to go 93mm with aims for 7500 rpm,
        Apr 6, 2022
      4. Pearce
        Im .020 over on the 22r block. I think for the later blocks you can run those but something like a 20r you might start running into casting flaws at 94mm.
        Apr 6, 2022
        Erwin Merida likes this.
    7. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Looking at 3rd member options. LSD obviously !!
      1. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        What's a better route?!

        Locker style diff with 31spline ring and pinion upgrade with maybe 4.88 gearing..

        Or explorer 8.8 posi. But then have to shorten the driver side and still have to beef that up.. ?
        Jun 11, 2022
    8. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Having separation anxiety from my truck lately..lmao
    9. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Fixing and tucking most of my engine harness is taking too should've just started with a new harness. #lessonlearned
      1. Toyotashack likes this.
    10. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Round trip to Utah then Arizona, would've been a great way to break a motor in in a couple of days..would've been if I had finished my block
    11. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Wondering if LCE is having a black friday sale since I'll be in the area.. looks like I'll have to stop by!
      1. Pearce
        They probably will the thing will be if they have any stock on hand. I'm guessing they don't have much of a retail section like most shops.
        Nov 24, 2021
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        Agreed. I've decided to stick to cyber Monday deals.
        Nov 25, 2021
    12. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      LCE stage 5 long block would make for some serious canyon run fun!! I need one, or three.
      1. Pearce
        I want the toyota race spec engine from doa or the big bore hybrid. Good price for the big bore at 4k.
        Nov 4, 2021
    13. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Chipping away at the old block!
    14. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Long check off list, but getting checked!! Hope to be cruisin by the end of winter!
    15. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      We never get back what we put into our trucks, but tht first drive down the block is worth at least half!
      1. Toyotashack likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        My point was the money pit our projects become. Some of us have 100s of labor hours despite the credit debt we rack up just to fuel our passion. Lol. And we're not talking about modified anything, just restoring can get out of hand quick!
        Sep 8, 2021
        Pearce likes this.
      4. Pearce
        Forsure. I got over 10k in parts in my truck and probably another 1k in parts not used anymore. If I wanted to sell it and not sit on it I would need to list it well under 5k. I've seen a celica with a fully built 22r hybrid sit on the marketplace forever. When you go heavy modified it dosnt fit everyone's taste. Hurts the value. Better off reverting back to stock as much as you can and sell parts separately.
        Sep 11, 2021
        Erwin Merida likes this.
      5. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        I know a guy who stores his truck for about $200 a month.. that's $2400 a yr just to keep it! Lmao. I've known the guy for about 5 yrs.. so just in the time we've known each other hes' spent a tad over 10k!! To store it!!
        Sep 11, 2021
    16. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Tucking away the tools for a couple months, bringing my first daughter into the world in a few weeks!!
      1. I-OGarage47
        congrats man! i had my first in 2019 and am expecting my next in a few days/week
        Jul 1, 2021
        Erwin Merida likes this.
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        Awesome! Congratulations!
        Jul 1, 2021
    17. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      If you're going to go through allll the trouble, minus well make it look nice!
    18. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Smoothening out the rough edges, one hammer smash ata time!!
    19. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      BE passionate about everything you do, and watch how much further you'll get in Lyfe!
    20. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      2 HGs later... Full rebuild for the 22re!!
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  • About

    Long Beach, California
    LEXXXI - angry '93 ShortBed
    Current Modifications:
    Reviving a 93 shorty with some TLC!
    Future Modifications:
    NOS. Lightweight forged internals. High lift cam. Lightweight flywheel. Lightweight valve system. Bigger fuel system. Possibly MegaSquirt.


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